Saturday, November 30, 2019
Racial Profiling by Police an Example of the Topic Government and Law Essays by
Racial Profiling by Police Profiling The following persuasive essay will present two sides of racial profiling by police. Different theorists suggest that racial profiling is a necessary evil because it aids in putting criminals in jail. Although racial profiling does accomplish this task the argument of this paper will persuade the reader to consider that racial profiling merely promotes further discrimination against minorities through stereotyping procedures which is more harmful when this act is done by the police force who is supposed to protect human rights. Instead, racial profiling is hindering to minoritys rights and furthermore it increases the amount of innocent people who are put in jail and thus have to subsequently have to be processed as innocent before being allowed to leave, which often times includes over night stays in jail. Need essay sample on "Racial Profiling by Police" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed Thus, racial profiling is a violation of human rights, which will be the main focal point of this persuasive essay. There are many factors that go into the account of crime prevention - first and foremost, the identification of crime in an area. The measurement and statistical analysis of criminal activity is important. Without this information, it would be impossible to adequately address the criminal issues of any given area, It is not racial profiling for an officer to question, stop, search, arrest, or otherwise investigate a person because his race or ethnicity matches information about a perpetrator of a specific crime that the officer is investigating. That use of racewhich usually occurs when there is a racially specific description of the criminaldoes not entail a global judgment about a racial or ethnic group as a whole (Gross 2002; 1415). In support of racial profiling the system presents the statistical analysis of criminal activity wherein several important issues are discovered. The support for racial profiling exists in that it is through such analysis that specific crimes came be targeted. The identification of a certain type of criminal activity, such as vandalism, armed robbery, or violence, can direct the responsible policing agency to act accordingly. Such data would show target locations, as well as patterns of victimization, methodology, and possible suspects. Racial profiling is said to be important because it allows the police force to narrow their search criteria by geographical location, gender, appearance (weight, hair, etc), and race which makes it easier to apprehend a subject. Because crime is defined as being constituted through the definitions of situations that are negotiated between different parties (offender, victim, witness, policeman, judge etc.) in processes of social interaction, it is nec essary to understand that interaction. (Meuser 2). Statistical measurement of crime data could be used to identify the necessary programs a specific area needs. For example, if an area is suffering from high amounts of drug trafficking, it would be pointless to implement a program meant to curb the proliferation of vandalism. In the same way, the identification of primary issues of local jurisdictions would be a very important issue in maintaining the local populations trust and respect of law enforcement, In 1994, the New York City Police Department launched an aggressive anti-gun campaign that resulted in the stopping and frisking of tens of thousands of young black and Hispanic men. Critics charged the Police Department with racial profiling. The Department replied that it deployed its officers in high-crime neighborhoods that are mostly minority denominated, and that the racial breakdown of those stopped corresponded to the racial makeup of victim descriptions of the perpetrators of violent crime, those arrested for violent crimes in New York City, and those described in 911 calls as carrying guns (Gross 2002; 1418). Thus, although the populace and the media saw this as being racists, the police department targeted these men because statistically they were the ones who were carrying guns and so, the police department had a better chance of apprehending guns by stopping black and Hispanic men. This data would also be used to judge the success, or lack there of, of the targeted programs that may have been implemented in each specific area. If, for example, a given area was experiencing a large number of car thefts, statistical analysis of the type of vehicles stolen, the location of the thefts, the time of day, or day of the week that these thefts occurred, would all be processed in order to identify a pattern. It is with a pattern that racial profiling works. This pattern would then in turn be utilized to apprehend those criminals responsible for the crime. Reciprocally, if after a targeted anti-theft program shows no affect on the number of thefts in the area, it could then be concluded that the program was not a success and therefore, would be in need of alteration. It is with this ill success that racial profiling is proven to be unnecessary and a system that is flawed. The purpose of this paper is to persuade the reader to the conclusion that racial profiling only perpetuates prejudice; when the black and Hispanic men were frisked and most of them were not carrying guns they must have felt targeted for not reason. Simply put, just because a certain racially described individual commits a crime does not mean that the entire race has the same attributes; that is racists. The measurement of criminal data would also be used to identify possible criminal suspects. The concept of criminal profiling, a widely used tool of law enforcement, would be impossible without the acquisition of measured criminal data. It is through the statistical analysis of known crimes, that new crimes are solved. By contrasting the aspects of past criminal activity, it is possible to create a prediction of criminal behavior, Before September 11, 2001, a few conservative commentators were the only people who publicly defended racial profiling on practical grounds. That has changed. Journalists, politicians, and pollsters have all expressed and documented a widespread sentiment that in order to win the war on terrorism we must focus our scrutiny on Middle Eastern Muslim men. The Justice Departments interview program may not be expressly aimed at such individuals, but I has this effect. It is explicitly aimed at individuals from Middle Eastern countries and other countries with an al Qaeda presence (Gross 2002; 1422). In the same way, it is important to know the statistical data of victims in an area. Large cities or areas which see a high volume of tourists each year must take appropriate measures to ensure the safety of those tourists. In many areas, tourists are targeted by local criminal elements because of their distracted nature, and their likelihood of carrying large sums of money or expensive items. By acquiring and analyzing the statistical data of known victims of crimes, it is possible, just as with the prediction of criminal behavior, to predict possible areas or groups which would be targeted by criminal activity. The importance of the measurement of criminal data is paramount. Without the information that is provided by such studies, criminal investigations would become inefficient to the point of ineffectiveness. Also, without data illustrating the affect that implemented programs have on the criminal element of a targeted area, their success would be unknown. The funding for law enforcement comes from taxes collected from federal, state, and local governments. Without proper criminal statistics, there would be no way to properly distribute this tax revenue to the necessary areas. This is a reason by criminal profiling is pushed into the bureaucracy, because the police force knows no other system by which to apprehend mass amounts of criminals besides through profiling. This is why racial profiling is still used, not because it works, which it doesnt, but because the police force needs funding and needs to show crime rate improvement and the only way to do this is through mass amounts of arr ests or activity, even if it does not lead the police officer to the criminal. High crime areas necessitate higher funding, due to their increased policing activities, and the increased levels of training, and equipment technology that is needed to adequately protect those areas. A suspects race alone is never strong evidence of guilt. There is no serious crime that is committed by all, or most, or even a large fraction of the members of any racial group. But race together with other information about the suspect can form a pattern that is persuasive to any degree. The usual situation does not involve profiling but case specific information (Gross 2002; 1428). Within any investigation, be it scientific or criminal, the main tool to the investigator is the theory. It is the theory from which the investigation takes it course. The small pieces of known information are assembled, and used to form the theory that will it is hoped guide one to find the missing information. Racial profiling is not the only means by which a crime may be solved. With the reports filed of abuse from police force on minorities a closer examination of racial profiling and its injustice as well as different crime theory applications will now be discussed. Within criminology, a theory is devised after a crime is committed. If there are no obvious signs of a culprit, one must utilize investigative methods to find the perpetrator. The acquired evidence is assembled into a model of possibilities. From this, the investigator would extract a list of possible suspects, or areas of interest which could further the investigation. Theories can also be used to anticipate criminal activity, patterns of crime and victimization or other research methods. This type of theory is used to explain the behavior of crime and the criminal element. The Cohen and Felson Routine Activities theory is an example. This theory states that the rate in which crime rises is equal to the number of suitable targets and the absence of individuals to protect those targets. (DeMelo 2006) This theory is based on the logic that an increased opportunity for crime would equal an increase in crime. This theory also stated that, the rising number of women in the workforce meant a decrease in the number of parental figures in the home. This lack of guardianship then led to an increase in crime because of the lack of supervision on the youth of those areas. Another theory that is applied to the understanding of criminal behavior is Sutherland's Differential Association theory. This theory deals with the reasoning and motivation of criminal behavior, as well as possible causal factors. Based on nine key postulates, the theory states, essentially, that criminal behavior is a learned response to negative social interaction. It is through this theories such as this, that crime prevention is addressed. While theories can aid in the apprehension of criminals, or the understanding of their behavior, theories can also be formulated with the intent of preventing crime. By addressing the key elements that create or influence criminal behavior, law enforcement is able to decrease crime rates in a given area by removing one or many of the key causal factors. One such theory that addresses such causal factors is the Social Disorganization theory. This theory deals more with social deviance than crime specifically, however it can still be used to understand the causal factors of criminal activity. Under this theory crime was seen as a product of uneven development in society, meaning that a social setting the became unbalanced socially would inherit social disorder and thus, crime. (DeMelo 2006) Through theories such as this, specific social programs could be developed that were designed to address social disorganization, however in contrary opinion to this statement Hassan (2002) states, Despite the enthusiasm of Zogby and other Arab and Muslim Americans for the administrations response, the national security measures undertaken during the last 12 months by the Justice Department have targeted almost exclusively people from the Middle East and south Asia, and let to the incarcerations, deportation and interrogation of numerous individuals who had nothing to do with September 11. In other words, the imposition of the rule of law on behalf of Arabs and Muslims coincided with an aggressive Justice Department attack on people from the Middle East and South Asia. Even if the administration deserves some credit for opposing individual acts of racial violence against Middle Easterners and South Asians, its present treatment of Arab and South Asian immigrants amounts to a legal assault based largely on an unstated policy of racial profiling (Hassan 2002; 16-17). However, this theory was seen to have problems in its application to real world events and situations. The main problem being that the theory confused the relationship between the cause and effect of social disorganization. However, this failure to hold up to practical application does not entirely remove the theorys value. Through the understanding of the short comings of theories such as this, one can explicate new theories that better address problems. There are many aspects of research, criminal investigation and crime prevention to which theoretical processes can be applied. In order to address any problem, one must first identify a problem, and then assemble possible causes. This is then followed the application of possible remedies to that problem. Theoretical application is not infallible; however it is very effective in addressing possibilities. Then it is through this theoretic understanding that answers are discovered. Since the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, there have been many changes in the ways the United States government functions, one of which being racial profiling. The first act of alteration to the normal code of conduct was the drafting and passage of the USA PATRIOT Act. There are many who see this act as a bold defense against the fear of terrorism for the American public, however, a growing number of people see the changes in American governmental policy and overall attitude towards enemies and allies alike as an affront against proper American values and freedom, or, as this persuasive paper suggests, racial profiling merely adds in defining the government and its forces as denying citizens their human rights, as Hassan states, The Justice Department announced on August 12 its intention to implement the National Security Entry-exit Registration System (NSEERS) on September 11, 2002. The system involves the fingerprinting of high-risk foreign visitors. IN addition, the program will require targeted foreign nationals to register their residence with authorities and to confirm their exit. According to a Justice Department statement, foreigners will be selected according to intelligence criteria reflecting patterns of terrorist organizations activities. But the system will begin by tracking all nationals of Iran, Iraq, Libya, Sudan and Syria, though no nationals from these countries were involved in the September 11 hijackings. (Hassan 2002; 17). Hassan gives further evidence that proves that power does not equal a criminal being caught, but instead the fact that racial profiling is a violent and cruel use of positions of power especially with the Justice Department, In addition, the system will tag for fingerprinting any non-immigrant aliens whom the State Department determines to present an elevated national security risk, based on criteria reflecting current intelligence as well as aliens identified by INS inspectors at the port of entry, using similar criteria. The ultimate design of they system is to create an enormous database of foreign visitors that can be sued to track and locate terrorist suspects. Rather than relying on intelligence criteria, NSEERS will generate intelligence to facilitate the detention and deportation of certain visitors and immigrants. (Hassan 2002; 17). As Andrew Kydd and Barbara Walter (2002) explain, there is a distinct politic to the notion of terrorism. However, these tactics are not always effective. There are many events of terrorism in the world each year, yet only a handful are regarded with any merit. According to Kydd and Walter (2002), through a well argued and insightful article, it is the trust between groups that must be destroyed for an extremist attack to be successful. This is the motivation behind the response to the attacks of September 11, 2001. On December 6, 2001, then Attorney General John Ashcroft addressed the Senate Judiciary Committee in praise of this act, and its restructuring of the NSA, CIA and FBI. (Ashcroft 524) His rhetoric was patriotic and concise, and his views of the USA PATRIOT act and its changes seemed sincere. This was supported with the passage of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1373, which paved the road for the Patriot act itself. Eric Rosand (2003) wrote about the resolution in 2003. His response to its necessity was one of sympathy to the government, for having to face such a difficult challenge. However, not everyone who has commented on the alterations of the US governmental policy has done so with such reverence. Rosand compared the investigations into possible terrorist cells in the United States, to the Palmer Raids of 1919 where, following a series of bombings, J. Edgar Hoover led a series of round ups of immigrants across the country and held them without trial or charge in u nconscionable conditions, interrogated incommunicado and in some cases tortured. (2003) Thus, torture is often times associated with racial profiling and it is seen as denying human rights and placing citizens in harms way during patterned crime stakes. This attitude has spread throughout the country, as the appearance of impropriety has permeated the governments handling of the terrorists investigations. Mary Jacoby brings up the question of the legal definition of Detainee. This is in response to the holding of prisoners at the Guantanamo Bay military base in Cuba. The prisoners of this facility have been acquired from around the world from the war in Afghanistan, and from arrests done in dozens of countries around the world. However, the problem arises when the soldiers fighting for the Afghan military are brought in as detainees, rather than prisoners of war. While the Guantanamo prison has its apologists, such as Charles Krauthammer who states that freeing of these men would be lunacy (537) the fact remains, that in strict terms, the United States is in break of the Geneva Convention by holding POWs. Fernando Reinares noted in his article, The Empire Rarely Strikes Back, that after more than 2400 acts of terrorism against American citizens and interests there have been only three occasions of overt military response. (Reinares 2002; 92) However, because of the incredible size and depth of impact of the September 11th attacks, war became unavoidable. There did arise a problem with the military action, however, as a growing public opinion seemed to point the target as Islam itself, rather than just Al-Qaeda and thus the growing of racial profiling not only by police officers but by citizenry. This prompted the United States to enlist the help of as many Islamic nations as possible to counter act this perception. (Aretxega 2001; 143) This coalition of Islamic nations does nothing to counteract the rise in racial profiling within the United States. Sherry Colb wrote about the foreseen changes in American law enforcement following the September 11th attacks. Her article articulated the problem of racial profiling and its consequences. Cold notes that real numbers do not support profiling. (539) However this does not stop the utilization of profiling in airports, or in traffic stops as Hassan states, Ashcrofts initial dragnet was followed by plans to deport some 6,000 Middle Easterners who have violated the terms of their visas. It has become increasingly evident that the Justice Department and them INS intend to use September 11 as a pretext to crack down on immigrants in general and specifically to reduce the number of Arabs and Muslims residing in the US (Hassan 2002; 18). However, this too has its supporters, from such sources as law professor Roger Clegg. His response to the topic of racial profiling is one of acceptance and justification. So what? (Clegg 542) Clegg asks of the act of profiling. However his racial make up lends itself easily to such opinions, as an educated white male is rarely accosted for being white, educated or male. The changes in the United States since September 2001 have been many and wide in scope, however there is little consensus as to whether these changes are for the better or even legal. As illustrated in these articles, the several aspects of governmental policy that have been affected by these attacks have been met with acceptance and praise, as well as contempt and ridicule with articulate and sincere arguments on both sides. Though, despite the articulate nature of the arguments, they do not dissuade one from his or her own opinion. It is the learned set of moral values that create ones opinion of the new America. It can thus be surmised that there are two very distinct opinions regarding racial profiling. One opinion relays the fact that the crimes being committed and by which the police department is being accused of racial profiling are crimes committed by those races which the department chooses to pull over or frisk. The argument remains true to police tactics in organizing the information about a crime that is given by a witness or a victim of that crime; because the crimes being committed were being reported to have been crimes done by African Americans, Muslims, etc, then these are the races being searched or profiled. For the department then, racial profiling is a legitimate cause for proper policing skills. On the opposite side of the spectrum is the fact that racial profiling is merely enforcing negative connotations about a specific race and these opinions or biases are being reflected with the Justice Department and police forces. This opinion, and the side of which this paper has taken, resides in the fact that profiling only prohibits equality and further exemplifies the prejudices of the United States. These prejudices are only covered up with the ploy set about by the Justice Department which targets people of different nationalities in order to bypass security laws and diplomacy. As Hassan has stated, and has been quoted in this paper the Justice Department is even targeting people from nations who were not even involved in the September 11 attack. This statement, this veracity is simply omission and in omission is found guilt, as Hassan states, The Bush administration has seized on September 11 to reinforce US borders and scapegoat immigrants in a period of unprecedented growth of the immigrant population (Hassan 2002; 18). Thus, this paper has proven that racial profiling is a system with a great many flaws, and it is not a system without prejudice. Bibliography Aretxaga, Begona. Terror as Thrill: First Thoughts on the War on Terrorism. Anthropological Quarterly. Vol. 75, No. 1. Winter, 2001. P. 138-150. DeMelo, Diane. Sutherlands Differential Association Theory. Criminological Theory. Online Archive: May 19, 2006. DeMelo, Diane. Cohen . Criminological Theory. Online Archive. May 19, 2006. DeMelo, Diane. Social Disorganization. Criminological Theory. Online Archive: May 19, 2006. Gross, Samuel R. Racial Profiling Under Attack. Columbia Law Review. Vol. 102, No. 2. June 2002. pp. 1413-1438. Hassan, Salah. Arabs, Race and the Post-September 11 National Security State. Middle East Report. No. 224. Autumn 2002. pp. 16-24. Kydd, Andrew; Walter, Barbara. Sabotaging the Peace: The Politics of Extremist Violence. International Organization. Vol. 56, No. 2. Spring, 2002. P. 263-296. Meuser, Michael schper, Gabi. Introduction: Qualitative Research in Criminology. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research. (2002, February).
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Oskar Shindler essays
Oskar Shindler essays Schindler, Oskar (1908-74), German businessman whose fame rests on his remarkable rescue of more than 1,000 Jews during the Nazi Holocaust. Oskar Schindler was born in the Sudetenland, Czechoslovakia. He moved to Poland in 1930 and made a fortune in Krakw. He saved 1,200 Polish Jews from the Nazi death camps by employing them at a munitions factory he opened using Jewish labor. The factory had been a bankrupt manufacturer of enamelware when Schindler bought it and used it to fill military contracts. In 1944, Schindler moved the factory and all of the workers to Moravia when the Red Army was closing in on Krakw. The story of Schindler's achievement was told in a 1982 book, 'Schindler's Ark', by Thomas Keneally, which was made into the highly successful motion picture 'Schindler's List' by filmmaker Steven Spielberg in 1993. The film won the Academy award for best picture as well as many other awards. Schindler moved to Argentina in 1949 with his wife, Emilie, and his German mistress. He had no financial success after the war. In fact, he started a nutria farm in Argentina that failed and a cement factory in Germany that also went bankrupt. Schindler abandoned both his wife and his mistress and moved back to Germany in 1958. When he became destitute and faced debtor's prison, Schindler called on the Jews that he had saved, and they sent him money. He traveled to Israel in the early 1960s and received such a warm welcome from the survivors and their families that he returned every year. He spent six weeks on each visit, which were paid for by the "Schindlerjuden" (Schindler Jews). Even for the people he saved, it was difficult to conceive why Schindler had risked his life to save the Jews. He had a well-earned reputation for drinking, gambling, and womanizing, and he had a comfortable relationship with the Nazis. Liam Neeson, the actor who played him in the film, believed that Schindler was possessed with...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Life as a Service (LaaS)...
Life as a Service (LaaS)... Do you ever get the feeling that your life is all about you and your own little world? I sometimes do, and when it happens I feel very small. Those are the moments where I think I need to travel the world or somehow make a bigger difference. But then there are moments where I understand on a deep level that my life is a contribution- and that every life is a contribution, whether human or plant or animal. In those moments there is no separation between me and the universe. Last week I managed to get outside of my small-brained thoughts for long enough to feel that magical connection, and to write a poem about it. My life changed for the better after writing this poem. People reached out to me more, congratulated me and affirmed me more, and even gave me free stuff! Here is my message My Life as a Blessing I am a host to the wind, the trees, the birds. It is my charge to care for every living creature. I hold space for the leaves to shake and shimmer. I hold space for the moon to shine, for the rain to cleanse the earth. I hold space for the sludge, the earthquakes, the fire ants. I wake up early to usher the sun to the sky. I make the bed for its setting. I pick up the litter. I pick raspberries for breakfast. Earth, do you have everything you need? Shall I put flowers in a vase by your bedside? A mint on your pillow? How may I serve you? How might I host you? Come on in. Rest your weary head. You are welcome here. ***** You, my reader, are welcome here on my site and as part of my work and life. What can I do for you? In the spirit of contribution and service, I invite you to ask yourself this question: How can I care for myself and the people and world around me? I look forward to hearing your thoughts. (For the non-techies out there, the title of this blog is a reference to cloud services such as Sales as a Service (SaaS) and Platform as a Service (PaaS). Maybe some of you geeks out there caught that!)
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Importance of Food Safety in Restaurants Research Paper
Importance of Food Safety in Restaurants - Research Paper Example Restaurant owners and managers should benchmark the famous example of Ray Kroc, the founder of McDonald when he canceled the license of a franchise restraint when he saw a fly. Such was his commitment to cleanliness and food safety. All restaurants should make food safety and cleanliness an integral part of their mission statements, rules and regulations and should also incorporate them into their training programs. Benefits: A good training program protects the customers from any harmful effects and so in the process, it protects the business venture. Trained employees will not just ensure food safety and cleanliness but they will also be efficient and productive. Apart from protecting the customers a good training also safeguards the health and safety of employees. Employee training also ensures their motivation and loyalty because training makes them feel that they are involved in the bigger picture. A training program also makes employees more customers driven. The point that should be of emphasis is that training should not be considered a short term solution. It should be considered a policy of continuous improvement and an ongoing process. So the new standards and techniques should be taught all the time to employees. Organizations should keep in touch with national and local organizations and authorities that specialize in food and restaurant safety and training programs. Last but not least is the fact that a good training program is a great tool to reinforce in customers a feeling that the organization cares about them and the environment they provide to them. This, in fact, is crucial in building long term relationships with them.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
With appropriate reference to theoretical and empirical literature, Essay
With appropriate reference to theoretical and empirical literature, critically assess the arguments of why a multinational may undertake corporate hedging - Essay Example Hence, it is the policies based on increased exposure of firm to price instability, resulting from future price knowledge. Corporate Hedging is done by multinational companies a lot, and the trend is being picked up speedily Motivation factors of multinational firms for corporate hedging seem are facilitation of internal contracting, competitive pricing concerns, and informational asymmetries. Moreover corporate hedging depends upon accounting treatment, derivative market liquidity, recent hedging outcomes, foreign exchange volatility, technical factors, and exposure volatility. What we need to understand is the reason for the multinational firms to take up corporate hedging. There are opportunities like increased leverage and tax benefits that are the motivating factors behind corporate hedging. The multinational companies opt for the hedging process simply because of the risk factor. More correctly it does not take away the risk rather the unacceptable risks are converted into acceptable risks. Many companies remain confused towards making the decision whether they should hedge or not hedge. The factors that hinder their decision making is the doubt about the risks, the cost of the hedging process itself, fear of reporting loss on derivative transactions. Also adding to all this confusion is the lack of strategies and also the un- familiarization with hedging tools. Then is the role of the corporate risk managers. They must determine the risks the company is willing to take and also the ones that the company wants to get away with through hedging. The fundamental principle behind corporate hedging is its hindrance against losses that multinational companies may face in difficult situations. Like for example the losses that incurred many IT companies by the year 1997 when there was depreciation of dollar. More commonly we can explain hedging functions in a similar manner as the hedges that protect the garden from stray dogs. The goal behind any hedging
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Technology and Law Enforcement Essay Example for Free
Technology and Law Enforcement Essay This system provides rapid collect and retrieval of data about wanted fugitives, locating stolen property, locating missing people and protecting law enforcement and the public (Siegel amp; Worrall, 2012). The FBI maintains the host computer that provide telecommunication network to the CJIS Systems Agency in every official state (Mass. gov website). Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) Automated Fingerprint Identification System is a type of biometric system that uses a digital imaging to capture a fingerprint that can be compared to a database records to determine a person identity (webopedia). The use of AFIS is growing in the United States This system can classify fingerprints and identify 250 characteristics of the print. AFIS use high speed silicon chips to plot each and every detail and count the number of ridges in a personââ¬â¢s fingers and palm (Siegel amp; Worrall, 2012 pg. 195). I fingerprints 25 to 35 inmates a day on AFIS and it a wonderful tool because with a couple of minute their fingerprint will be sent to Washington D. C and I can identify the person and have their whole entire criminal history. Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) In the late 1980s, the federal government laid the groundwork for a system of national, state, and local DNA databases for the storage and exchange of DNA profiles. This system, called the Combined DNA Index System (CODIS). CODIS is a computerized database that allows deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) obtained at a crime scene to be searched electronically to find matches among sample taken from convicted offenders and crime scenes (Siegel amp; Worrall, 2012 pg. 97). In the late 1980s and early 1990s, states began passing laws requiring offenders convicted of certain offenses to provide DNA samples. Currently all 50 states and the federal government have laws requiring that DNA samples be collected from some categories of offenders (justice. gov). Since 2011, my agency started collecting DNA from inmate that was arrested for crimes New Technology 3 against a person such as; rape, homicide, aggravated battery and aggravated assault etc. But now FDLE had added Burglary, grand theft and trespassing. When we reach 2020, no matter what category that an offender in e every offender will have to summit a DNA sample for their crime. Once CODIS make their improvements, DNA evidence will help solve and may even prevent some of the Nationââ¬â¢s most serious violent crimes.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Free Essays - Struggle for Self-Realization inTheir Eyes Were Watching God :: Their Eyes Were Watching God Essays
Struggle for Self-Realization in Their Eyes Were Watching Godà à Zora Neale Hurston, the author of Their Eyes Were Watching God uses Janieââ¬â¢s experiences to show her struggle for self-realization.à Hurstonââ¬â¢s life is similar to Janieââ¬â¢s in how they are searching for love and self-realization.à During Hurstonââ¬â¢s childhood (1890ââ¬â¢s), her father gave much attention to her sister, and she was jealous of her; Janie also felt ââ¬Å"unlovedâ⬠by Nanny, her grandmother.à When Hurston was young, her family moved to Eatonville, Florida, where her dad became the mayor.à Her experience parallels Janieââ¬â¢s life, when she moved to Eatonville with Jody, her second husband.à Jody is much like Hurstonââ¬â¢s father John that he is unaffectionate towards Janie, and gives her no freedom.à Hurstonââ¬â¢s mother Lucy had encouraged her to continue reading and writing, despite her husbandââ¬â¢s wishes.à When Zora was five years old (1896), the Supreme Court ruled that Separate but Equal was constituti onal, and seventy-seven lynchings took place; which disclosed that she would have to work extra hard in order to earn recognition as a writer.à At age eight, she announced that she wanted to be a poet; her mother was proud of her, but her father loathed her even more because of it.à In the novel Their Eyes Were Watching God, Hurston shows Janieââ¬â¢s struggle for self-realization through love by all of Janieââ¬â¢s conquests. à à à à à à à à à à à From her search of love from:à the pear tree, Nanny, Logan, Jody, and Tea Cake, Janie finds herself.à The symbol of the pear tree relates to Janieââ¬â¢s coming of age, and makes Janie want to find marriage and to see the world.à Nanny was dissolving this image by making her marry Logan Killicks.à Janie was expecting to find love through her marriage with Logan, but instead discovered that marriage does not make love when Logan tries to force her to work.à Janie meets Jody one day on Loganââ¬â¢s farm, and she believes that he will show her the world, and love, so she marries him, and leaves Logan.à She soon discovers that all he wants to be is a big voice, and has only married her for his image.à After Jody dies, Janie meets Tea Cake at her store; and, although he does not have a lot of money, she truly believes that he loves her, and will fulfill her life-long search for happiness.à Tea Cake ends up being her true love, and she is happy with him, no matter where they are, or how rich they are.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Paper on Critically Examining the Educational Policy of Malaysia
Malaysia is one of the world's fastest growing economic regions, a rapidly growing nation in the heart of South East Asia. Within a span of two decades, it has succeeded in bringing about socioeconomic transformation of the society; from its architecture to its lifestyle, the Malaysian character speaks of a comfortable coexistence of its ethnic, cultural as well as religious diversity that continues to be a part of this country's charm and practical reality. Malaysia's Vision 2020 steers the nation towards becoming a fully developed and industrialized country, a democratic society that is strong in religious and spiritual values, a society that is liberal and tolerant, scientific and progressive, innovative and forward looking. This goal is reflected in the mission of the Ministry of Education, that is: ââ¬Å"To develop a world class quality education system which will realize the full potential of the individual and fulfill the aspiration of the Malaysian nation.â⬠Education has provided a solid platform for country's political as well as economic stability with a view to establishing Malaysia as a regional center for academic excellence and turning education into a top quality export commodity. The Malaysian education system has equipped its young people with a level of competence and skills which has put them on par with the top students in some of the world's best universities, and at 93%, Malaysia's literacy rate is one of the highest in the world. The paper aims at critically examining the educational policy of the Ministry of Education Malaysia, with description of social, governmental and economic environments in which the policy was developed. Effectiveness of the policy will be evaluated and problems related to it will be further highlighted, with comparison to the one of the models from class lecture, i.e. the incremental model of public policy. The foundation for the development of the national education system rests on the National Philosophy of Education, which states that: Education in Malaysia is an on-going effort towards further developing the potential of individuals in a holistic and integrated manner, so as to produce individuals who are intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and physically balanced and harmonious, based on a firm belief in and devotion to God. Malaysia being a multi-relligious country, spiritual, religious and moral characteristics of the individuals are highly emphasized and encouraged, which is clear from the national philosophy as well. Such an effort is designed to produce Malaysian citizens who are knowledgeable and competent, who possess high moral standards, and who are responsible and capable of achieving high level of personal well-being as well as able to contribute to the harmony and betterment of the family, the society and the nation at large. One of the most significant reforms initiated in recent years is the formulation of new legislation on education, which will affect the process of educational reforms from pre-school to higher education. The Education Act 1996 replacing the old one of 1961 aims at consolidating the national system of education and widen the scope of education in the country. All categories of schools, with the exception of international ones will be incorporated under the national system of education, which is characterized by the use of a common medium of instruction, a nationally excepted curriculum and common public exams. It will also cover such areas as upgrading and enhancing of pre-school education, teacher education, special education, private and technical education. It gives the education greater prominence, ensuring relevance and quality in the system of education. The Ministry of Education is directly responsible for the organization, management and development of the education in the country and has a centralized system of educational administration headed by the Minister of Education. Hi is assisted by two Deputy Ministers of Education. The secretary-general of Education is responsible for the administrative matters, and the Director-General of Education is concerned with professional matters, and both are directly responsible to the Minister of Education. ââ¬Å"The Ministry was restructured in 1995â⬠and under this new structure there are six principal Departments, such as Pre-school, Primary and Secondary Education Department, Department of Higher Education which coordinates governance and policy formulation of public universities and higher education institutions in the country; Technical Education Department which is responsible for conducting research, planning and implementing technical and vocational programs; Department of Private Education which monitors and regulates the development of private education in the country; Department of Special Education; and Department of Islamic Education which supervises the Islamic and Moral Education at all public primary and secondary schools. Besides these six Departments, there are several Divisions, agencies and statutory bodies within the Ministry of Education that are responsible for professional and administrative matters that are not handled by the six Departments. They can be classified under two broad categories, namely Professional and Administrative Divisions. Under Professional Divisions are: Educational Planning and Research Division, which undertakes macro educational planning, and monitors the implementation of educational policies and programs; Educational Technology Division, which upgrades the quality of the teaching-learning process by providing educational media and technological services to support educational programs; Examinations Syndicate responsible for organizing, administrating and conducting all public examinations for schools; and Federal Inspectorate of Schools, providing professional supervision on the teaching-learning process of teachers and supervisory management to school principals. Under Administrative Divisions, there are Organizational Development and Services Division, which oversees the implementation of the terms and conditions of the education service; Scholarship Division; Management Services Division responsible for handling general administrative matters for the Ministry of Education; Financial Division; Information Systems Division and International Relations Division. The administrative structure is organized at four hierarchical levels, namely, national, state, district and school. A system of committees is established in the Ministry of Education to facilitate inter-division and intra-division decision-making. The Minister chairs the Education Planning Committee, which is the highest decision-making body at the federal level concerned with educational policy adoption, adjustment and implementation. Policy matters in education with wider ramifications are referred to Cabinet before final decisions are made. b) State Education Department (SED) Those educational policies and plans made at the federal level are implemented at the state level through the State Education Department. It supervises the implementation of education policies, monitor national education programs, project and activities, as well as providing feedback to the central agencies for general planning. District Education Offices are set up in almost all states, except Perlis, Malacca and the Federal Territories, in order to support the state level administrative system. It basically provides the linkage between schools and the SED. At the level of school, the Headmasters/Principals, assisted by two or three Senior Assistants are responsible for providing professional as well as administrative leadership in schools. The Parent-Teacher Associations (PTA) foster better cooperation between the school and the community. Malaysia provides 11 years of free schooling. Education is the responsibility of the Federal Government, and 20,4% of the annual National Budget is allocated for education. The national education system encompasses education beginning from pre-school to higher education. Primary and secondary education is free but not compulsory. Excellence has been achieved through a carefully designed system that allows flexibility and room for individual approaches. This is really apparent at the pre-school and again at tertiary level. However primary and secondary education is highly structured, with a curriculum which enables the sound acquisition of fundamental knowledge and skills. The admission age to the first year of primary education is six. Most schools in the country are government or government-aided schools. The school year starts in January and ends in November. Students sit for common exams at the end off primary, lower secondary, upper secondary and sixth form levels. The primary level covers a period of between five to seven years, the lower secondary three years, followed by two years at the upper secondary and another two years at the post secondary level. Tertiary education in both the academic and professional fields id provided by universities colleges and other public and private institutions of higher education as shown in Chart 1. Pre-school education id part of the national education system under the Education Act, 1996. The aim of pre-school education is to provide a firm foundation for formal education at the later stage. They are run by government agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGO's) as well as private institutions. Children generally begin their pre-school level between four and five years of age. Within the broad guidelines set by the Ministry of Education, a high degree of flexibility prevails in terms of teaching approaches and medium of instruction. The curriculum guidelines set by the Ministry of Education enables pre-school children to acquire sufficient basic communication, social and other positive skills in preparation for primary schooling. Primary school begins at six years of age, and may be completed within five to seven years. Education at this level aims to provide the child with a firm foundation in the basic skills of reading, writing and arithmetic, as well as emphasizing thinking skills and values across the curriculum. Eventhough education at this level is not compulsory, more than 99 percent of this age group are enrolled in primary schools nationwide. Taking into consideration the multi-ethnic nature of its population, Malaysia has set up two categories of schools: the National and National-type schools. In the national schools the medium of instruction is the Malay language, whereas the medium of instruction in the national type schools is either Chinese or Tamil languages. In both types of schools the Malay language is compulsory, and English is also taught as second language in addition to Chinese, Tamil and other indigenous languages. The curriculum used at this level id the Integrated Curriculum for Primary Schools (ICPS) which consists of three main areas, namely, Communication, Man and his Environment, and Self Development. Two assessment examinations at year three and six are used to evaluate student performance. Outstanding students at year three can opt to go straight into year five. Secondary school offers a comprehensive education program. It aims to promote the general development of students by helping them to acquire knowledge, insight and skills from wide range of arts and sciences as well as vocational and technical subjects that provide a practical bias and hands-on approach to learning. Basically, the ultimate goal is to develop a strong foundation for life-long education as students are introduced to the beginnings of specialization. The medium of instruction is the Malay language, English, Tamil and Chinese are also widely taught as second language. Following the Lower Secondary Assessment examination (PMR) at year three, students move into more specialized fields of study at the upper secondary level, based on choice and aptitude of the students, and are reevaluated at year five through the Malaysian Certificate of Education (SPM) assessment examination. Some secondary schools offer the Malaysian Higher School Certificate (STPM) program which qualifies students for entry into the national universities, colleges and teacher training institutions. Co-curricular programs are regarded as integral part of the school curriculum, and there are basically three types of co-curricular activities, namely, uniformed bodies, clubs and sports. Some co-curricular programs and activities are partly financed by government agencies and the private sector, and implemented at school, district, state and national levels. Various co-curricular programs are organized to develop character, discipline and leadership qualities of the students. Some of these programs are: School Youth Cadet Corp., School Fire Brigade Corp., and other leadership courses. The Youth is highly encouraged to indulge in various Entrepreneurial Programs, writing, speaking and debating competitions as well as cultural activities to create cultural awareness and literary appreciation among the students. Cultural exchange programs are held to promote closer ties and foster better relationship between students of different countries regionally and internationally. Special education provides educational opportunities for pupils with special needs, such as the spastic, handicapped, visually impaired, hearing impaired as well as those with learning disabilities. Currently there are 2883 schools in the country which are equipped with both teaching staff and facilities to help integrate these children within the general school system. However, those needing more intensive care and attention attend 31 special schools. The Education Act 1996 provides for special provision of special education in special schools or in regular primary and secondary schools. As a policy, the duration of schooling for children with special needs in a formal system should not be less than that accorded to pupils in regular primary and secondary schools. To ensure effective implementation of special education programs, the Special Teacher's Training College conducts courses for teachers of the visually and hearing impaired students. By the way of shedding light on the policies adopted by the Ministry of Education of Malaysia, it would be expedient to evaluate their effectiveness, and give some solutions for future improvements. During the Sixth Plan period, i.e. 1991-95, the overall thrust of education was on expanding capacity and increasing access to all levels of education, strengthening the delivery system and improving the quality of education. Consequently, it resulted in increases in enrollment at all levels of education. Recognizing the importance of pre-school education efforts were taken by the Ministry to increase facilities and improve quality of pre-school education. Efforts by both the public and private sectors including non-governmental organizations, resulted in an increase in pre-school centers from about 6,960 in 1990 to 10,350 in 1995. Correspondingly, the number of children in the 5-6 age category enrolled increased from 328,800 in 1990 to 420,600 in 1995, representing an increase of 27,9 per cent.10 Establishment of pre-school centers in the rural areas was very much emphasized, ââ¬Å"of the total pre-school centers established by the Government, 80% were in rural areas, which benefited about 204,100 rural children.11 In primary education the main focus was on expanding capacity, improving existing facilities, and the quality of teaching and learning materials. In order to instill interest in science from an early age, the old existing syllabus were revised and some new ones were introduced. In order to accommodate increases in enrollment, reduce overcrowding, a total of 9,530 additional classrooms were constructed. With hostel facilities provided in rural and remote areas, students were able to gain access to a more conducive learning environment. In order to attract qualified and experienced teachers to serve in the rural and remote areas, an incentives were introduced for those those willing to teach in rural areas. Efforts were also undertaken to provide greater access to education for disabled children and those with learning difficulties. Despite efforts to improve the overall academic performance of primary school students, gaps in student's achievements between rural and urban schools still remained. Enrollment at the secondary level in Government and Government aided schools increased by 23.1 per cent from about 1.3 million in 1990 to about 1.6 million in 199512 as shown in Table 1. With the gradual implementation of the policy in the Sixth Plan, the transition rate from lower to upper secondary level improved from 68 per cent in 1990 to 83 per cent in 1995, while the participation rate at the upper secondary level increased from 50. Per cent in 1990 to 63.7 per cent in 1995.13 Due to increasing enrollment in urban schools and to reduce overcrowding, a total of 5,20 additional classrooms was planned for construction. However, only 75% or 3,960 classrooms were completed. Despite improvement measures bring undertaken, there were still concerns regarding student achievement and the proportion of students who chose science subjects at the upper secondary level. In order to meet the manpower requirements of a rapidly growing economy, tertiary education was directed at increasing enrollment at the degree, diploma and certificate levels, particularly in science, medicine, engineering and other technical related courses.. Efforts were undertaken to increase intake into local public institutions of higher learning by expanding physical facilities of existing campuses and establishing new universities. Opportunities for Bumiputera to pursue studies at the tertiary level were expanded at the Institut Teknologi MARA (ITM) where enrollment increased from 27.500 in 1990 to 35.480 in 1995. Enrollment at the degree, diploma and certificate levels increased by 52.7 per cent from 100.590 in 1990 to 153.610 in 1995. In 1995 an estimated 50.600 Malaysian students or 20 per cent of students in tertiary education were enrolled in various institutions overseas.14 In order to meet the objective of education and skill training programs, which is to produce an adequate number of skilled and quality workforce to meet the manpower requirements of the country as well as produce citizens who are disciplined and possess high moral values and good work ethics, the following measures were suggested: à · to increase the capacity of existing institutions and establishing new ones, particularly in science, engineering and other technical fields; à · strengthen the delivery system through the provision of qualified and experienced teachers and instructors, as well as greater utilization of up to date technologies and computers so as to improve the overall quality; à · improve the management and implementation of education and training programs through enhancing managerial capability as well as strengthening the monitoring and evaluating system; à · strengthen research and development (R&D) within the existing institutions of higher learning as well s collaborating with local and foreign R&D institutions; à · increase science and technical manpower, particularly in R&D; à · provide appropriate incentives to increase enrollment in the science stream. à · improve educational facilities in rural areas so as to reduce dropouts from the schools, while at the same time helping the children to perform better; à · inculcate positive values and right attitudes as well as innovativeness, communication and analytical skills among students and trainees; à · encourage reemployment of retired teachers to overcome the problems with shortages in critical subjects; à · encourage more private sector investment in education and training to complement public sector efforts.15 As far as the future development of pre-school education is concerned, the Government targets at participation of at least 65 per cent of children in the age of 5-6. A comprehensive policy will be formulated for the development of pre-school education, covering major aspects such as curriculum, physical facilities and teacher training, in addition to further improvements of coordination and quality of pre-school education in the public and private sectors. In this respect the latter will be encouraged to provide more pre-school facilities. Furthermore, greater parental involvement in their children's education will be encouraged to increase awareness of parents on the importance of pre-school education in their children's development. New syllabus and teaching methods with emphasis to practical experience will be further developed. As far as secondary education is concerned, the enrollment at the secondary level in Government and Government-aided schools is expected to increase by 25 per cent from about 1.6 million in 1995 to 2.0 million in the year 2000. The increase will be more significant at the upper secondary level with the extension of basic education from nine to 11 years. A total of 9,770 new classrooms will be built in order to accommodate the increase in enrollment and reduce overcrowding.16 Teaching method which are simple, practical and interesting will continue to be used in order to increase student's interest as well as improve their performance. Appropriate incentives will be provided to science students so as to increase enrollment in the science stream. Taking into account the latest technological development, the use of computers in secondary schools will be extensively promoted to build a strong foundation for a computer literate society. Extensive monitoring and evaluation of student's performance at all levels will be undertaken, in addition to development of new teaching and learning approaches so as to enhance student's academic performance. Paper on Critically Examining the Educational Policy of Malaysia Malaysia is one of the world's fastest growing economic regions, a rapidly growing nation in the heart of South East Asia. Within a span of two decades, it has succeeded in bringing about socioeconomic transformation of the society; from its architecture to its lifestyle, the Malaysian character speaks of a comfortable coexistence of its ethnic, cultural as well as religious diversity that continues to be a part of this country's charm and practical reality. Malaysia's Vision 2020 steers the nation towards becoming a fully developed and industrialized country, a democratic society that is strong in religious and spiritual values, a society that is liberal and tolerant, scientific and progressive, innovative and forward looking. This goal is reflected in the mission of the Ministry of Education, that is: ââ¬Å"To develop a world class quality education system which will realize the full potential of the individual and fulfill the aspiration of the Malaysian nation.â⬠Education has provided a solid platform for country's political as well as economic stability with a view to establishing Malaysia as a regional center for academic excellence and turning education into a top quality export commodity. The Malaysian education system has equipped its young people with a level of competence and skills which has put them on par with the top students in some of the world's best universities, and at 93%, Malaysia's literacy rate is one of the highest in the world. The paper aims at critically examining the educational policy of the Ministry of Education Malaysia, with description of social, governmental and economic environments in which the policy was developed. Effectiveness of the policy will be evaluated and problems related to it will be further highlighted, with comparison to the one of the models from class lecture, i.e. the incremental model of public policy. The foundation for the development of the national education system rests on the National Philosophy of Education, which states that: Education in Malaysia is an on-going effort towards further developing the potential of individuals in a holistic and integrated manner, so as to produce individuals who are intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and physically balanced and harmonious, based on a firm belief in and devotion to God. Malaysia being a multi-relligious country, spiritual, religious and moral characteristics of the individuals are highly emphasized and encouraged, which is clear from the national philosophy as well. Such an effort is designed to produce Malaysian citizens who are knowledgeable and competent, who possess high moral standards, and who are responsible and capable of achieving high level of personal well-being as well as able to contribute to the harmony and betterment of the family, the society and the nation at large. One of the most significant reforms initiated in recent years is the formulation of new legislation on education, which will affect the process of educational reforms from pre-school to higher education. The Education Act 1996 replacing the old one of 1961 aims at consolidating the national system of education and widen the scope of education in the country. All categories of schools, with the exception of international ones will be incorporated under the national system of education, which is characterized by the use of a common medium of instruction, a nationally excepted curriculum and common public exams. It will also cover such areas as upgrading and enhancing of pre-school education, teacher education, special education, private and technical education. It gives the education greater prominence, ensuring relevance and quality in the system of education. The Ministry of Education is directly responsible for the organization, management and development of the education in the country and has a centralized system of educational administration headed by the Minister of Education. Hi is assisted by two Deputy Ministers of Education. The secretary-general of Education is responsible for the administrative matters, and the Director-General of Education is concerned with professional matters, and both are directly responsible to the Minister of Education. ââ¬Å"The Ministry was restructured in 1995â⬠and under this new structure there are six principal Departments, such as Pre-school, Primary and Secondary Education Department, Department of Higher Education which coordinates governance and policy formulation of public universities and higher education institutions in the country; Technical Education Department which is responsible for conducting research, planning and implementing technical and vocational programs; Department of Private Education which monitors and regulates the development of private education in the country; Department of Special Education; and Department of Islamic Education which supervises the Islamic and Moral Education at all public primary and secondary schools. Besides these six Departments, there are several Divisions, agencies and statutory bodies within the Ministry of Education that are responsible for professional and administrative matters that are not handled by the six Departments. They can be classified under two broad categories, namely Professional and Administrative Divisions. Under Professional Divisions are: Educational Planning and Research Division, which undertakes macro educational planning, and monitors the implementation of educational policies and programs; Educational Technology Division, which upgrades the quality of the teaching-learning process by providing educational media and technological services to support educational programs; Examinations Syndicate responsible for organizing, administrating and conducting all public examinations for schools; and Federal Inspectorate of Schools, providing professional supervision on the teaching-learning process of teachers and supervisory management to school principals. Under Administrative Divisions, there are Organizational Development and Services Division, which oversees the implementation of the terms and conditions of the education service; Scholarship Division; Management Services Division responsible for handling general administrative matters for the Ministry of Education; Financial Division; Information Systems Division and International Relations Division. The administrative structure is organized at four hierarchical levels, namely, national, state, district and school. A system of committees is established in the Ministry of Education to facilitate inter-division and intra-division decision-making. The Minister chairs the Education Planning Committee, which is the highest decision-making body at the federal level concerned with educational policy adoption, adjustment and implementation. Policy matters in education with wider ramifications are referred to Cabinet before final decisions are made. b) State Education Department (SED) Those educational policies and plans made at the federal level are implemented at the state level through the State Education Department. It supervises the implementation of education policies, monitor national education programs, project and activities, as well as providing feedback to the central agencies for general planning. District Education Offices are set up in almost all states, except Perlis, Malacca and the Federal Territories, in order to support the state level administrative system. It basically provides the linkage between schools and the SED. At the level of school, the Headmasters/Principals, assisted by two or three Senior Assistants are responsible for providing professional as well as administrative leadership in schools. The Parent-Teacher Associations (PTA) foster better cooperation between the school and the community. Malaysia provides 11 years of free schooling. Education is the responsibility of the Federal Government, and 20,4% of the annual National Budget is allocated for education. The national education system encompasses education beginning from pre-school to higher education. Primary and secondary education is free but not compulsory. Excellence has been achieved through a carefully designed system that allows flexibility and room for individual approaches. This is really apparent at the pre-school and again at tertiary level. However primary and secondary education is highly structured, with a curriculum which enables the sound acquisition of fundamental knowledge and skills. The admission age to the first year of primary education is six. Most schools in the country are government or government-aided schools. The school year starts in January and ends in November. Students sit for common exams at the end off primary, lower secondary, upper secondary and sixth form levels. The primary level covers a period of between five to seven years, the lower secondary three years, followed by two years at the upper secondary and another two years at the post secondary level. Tertiary education in both the academic and professional fields id provided by universities colleges and other public and private institutions of higher education as shown in Chart 1. Pre-school education id part of the national education system under the Education Act, 1996. The aim of pre-school education is to provide a firm foundation for formal education at the later stage. They are run by government agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGO's) as well as private institutions. Children generally begin their pre-school level between four and five years of age. Within the broad guidelines set by the Ministry of Education, a high degree of flexibility prevails in terms of teaching approaches and medium of instruction. The curriculum guidelines set by the Ministry of Education enables pre-school children to acquire sufficient basic communication, social and other positive skills in preparation for primary schooling. Primary school begins at six years of age, and may be completed within five to seven years. Education at this level aims to provide the child with a firm foundation in the basic skills of reading, writing and arithmetic, as well as emphasizing thinking skills and values across the curriculum. Eventhough education at this level is not compulsory, more than 99 percent of this age group are enrolled in primary schools nationwide. Taking into consideration the multi-ethnic nature of its population, Malaysia has set up two categories of schools: the National and National-type schools. In the national schools the medium of instruction is the Malay language, whereas the medium of instruction in the national type schools is either Chinese or Tamil languages. In both types of schools the Malay language is compulsory, and English is also taught as second language in addition to Chinese, Tamil and other indigenous languages. The curriculum used at this level id the Integrated Curriculum for Primary Schools (ICPS) which consists of three main areas, namely, Communication, Man and his Environment, and Self Development. Two assessment examinations at year three and six are used to evaluate student performance. Outstanding students at year three can opt to go straight into year five. Secondary school offers a comprehensive education program. It aims to promote the general development of students by helping them to acquire knowledge, insight and skills from wide range of arts and sciences as well as vocational and technical subjects that provide a practical bias and hands-on approach to learning. Basically, the ultimate goal is to develop a strong foundation for life-long education as students are introduced to the beginnings of specialization. The medium of instruction is the Malay language, English, Tamil and Chinese are also widely taught as second language. Following the Lower Secondary Assessment examination (PMR) at year three, students move into more specialized fields of study at the upper secondary level, based on choice and aptitude of the students, and are reevaluated at year five through the Malaysian Certificate of Education (SPM) assessment examination. Some secondary schools offer the Malaysian Higher School Certificate (STPM) program which qualifies students for entry into the national universities, colleges and teacher training institutions. Co-curricular programs are regarded as integral part of the school curriculum, and there are basically three types of co-curricular activities, namely, uniformed bodies, clubs and sports. Some co-curricular programs and activities are partly financed by government agencies and the private sector, and implemented at school, district, state and national levels. Various co-curricular programs are organized to develop character, discipline and leadership qualities of the students. Some of these programs are: School Youth Cadet Corp., School Fire Brigade Corp., and other leadership courses. The Youth is highly encouraged to indulge in various Entrepreneurial Programs, writing, speaking and debating competitions as well as cultural activities to create cultural awareness and literary appreciation among the students. Cultural exchange programs are held to promote closer ties and foster better relationship between students of different countries regionally and internationally. Special education provides educational opportunities for pupils with special needs, such as the spastic, handicapped, visually impaired, hearing impaired as well as those with learning disabilities. Currently there are 2883 schools in the country which are equipped with both teaching staff and facilities to help integrate these children within the general school system. However, those needing more intensive care and attention attend 31 special schools. The Education Act 1996 provides for special provision of special education in special schools or in regular primary and secondary schools. As a policy, the duration of schooling for children with special needs in a formal system should not be less than that accorded to pupils in regular primary and secondary schools. To ensure effective implementation of special education programs, the Special Teacher's Training College conducts courses for teachers of the visually and hearing impaired students. By the way of shedding light on the policies adopted by the Ministry of Education of Malaysia, it would be expedient to evaluate their effectiveness, and give some solutions for future improvements. During the Sixth Plan period, i.e. 1991-95, the overall thrust of education was on expanding capacity and increasing access to all levels of education, strengthening the delivery system and improving the quality of education. Consequently, it resulted in increases in enrollment at all levels of education. Recognizing the importance of pre-school education efforts were taken by the Ministry to increase facilities and improve quality of pre-school education. Efforts by both the public and private sectors including non-governmental organizations, resulted in an increase in pre-school centers from about 6,960 in 1990 to 10,350 in 1995. Correspondingly, the number of children in the 5-6 age category enrolled increased from 328,800 in 1990 to 420,600 in 1995, representing an increase of 27,9 per cent.10 Establishment of pre-school centers in the rural areas was very much emphasized, ââ¬Å"of the total pre-school centers established by the Government, 80% were in rural areas, which benefited about 204,100 rural children.11 In primary education the main focus was on expanding capacity, improving existing facilities, and the quality of teaching and learning materials. In order to instill interest in science from an early age, the old existing syllabus were revised and some new ones were introduced. In order to accommodate increases in enrollment, reduce overcrowding, a total of 9,530 additional classrooms were constructed. With hostel facilities provided in rural and remote areas, students were able to gain access to a more conducive learning environment. In order to attract qualified and experienced teachers to serve in the rural and remote areas, an incentives were introduced for those those willing to teach in rural areas. Efforts were also undertaken to provide greater access to education for disabled children and those with learning difficulties. Despite efforts to improve the overall academic performance of primary school students, gaps in student's achievements between rural and urban schools still remained. Enrollment at the secondary level in Government and Government aided schools increased by 23.1 per cent from about 1.3 million in 1990 to about 1.6 million in 199512 as shown in Table 1. With the gradual implementation of the policy in the Sixth Plan, the transition rate from lower to upper secondary level improved from 68 per cent in 1990 to 83 per cent in 1995, while the participation rate at the upper secondary level increased from 50. Per cent in 1990 to 63.7 per cent in 1995.13 Due to increasing enrollment in urban schools and to reduce overcrowding, a total of 5,20 additional classrooms was planned for construction. However, only 75% or 3,960 classrooms were completed. Despite improvement measures bring undertaken, there were still concerns regarding student achievement and the proportion of students who chose science subjects at the upper secondary level. In order to meet the manpower requirements of a rapidly growing economy, tertiary education was directed at increasing enrollment at the degree, diploma and certificate levels, particularly in science, medicine, engineering and other technical related courses.. Efforts were undertaken to increase intake into local public institutions of higher learning by expanding physical facilities of existing campuses and establishing new universities. Opportunities for Bumiputera to pursue studies at the tertiary level were expanded at the Institut Teknologi MARA (ITM) where enrollment increased from 27.500 in 1990 to 35.480 in 1995. Enrollment at the degree, diploma and certificate levels increased by 52.7 per cent from 100.590 in 1990 to 153.610 in 1995. In 1995 an estimated 50.600 Malaysian students or 20 per cent of students in tertiary education were enrolled in various institutions overseas.14 In order to meet the objective of education and skill training programs, which is to produce an adequate number of skilled and quality workforce to meet the manpower requirements of the country as well as produce citizens who are disciplined and possess high moral values and good work ethics, the following measures were suggested: à · to increase the capacity of existing institutions and establishing new ones, particularly in science, engineering and other technical fields; à · strengthen the delivery system through the provision of qualified and experienced teachers and instructors, as well as greater utilization of up to date technologies and computers so as to improve the overall quality; à · improve the management and implementation of education and training programs through enhancing managerial capability as well as strengthening the monitoring and evaluating system; à · strengthen research and development (R&D) within the existing institutions of higher learning as well s collaborating with local and foreign R&D institutions; à · increase science and technical manpower, particularly in R&D; à · provide appropriate incentives to increase enrollment in the science stream. à · improve educational facilities in rural areas so as to reduce dropouts from the schools, while at the same time helping the children to perform better; à · inculcate positive values and right attitudes as well as innovativeness, communication and analytical skills among students and trainees; à · encourage reemployment of retired teachers to overcome the problems with shortages in critical subjects; à · encourage more private sector investment in education and training to complement public sector efforts.15 As far as the future development of pre-school education is concerned, the Government targets at participation of at least 65 per cent of children in the age of 5-6. A comprehensive policy will be formulated for the development of pre-school education, covering major aspects such as curriculum, physical facilities and teacher training, in addition to further improvements of coordination and quality of pre-school education in the public and private sectors. In this respect the latter will be encouraged to provide more pre-school facilities. Furthermore, greater parental involvement in their children's education will be encouraged to increase awareness of parents on the importance of pre-school education in their children's development. New syllabus and teaching methods with emphasis to practical experience will be further developed. As far as secondary education is concerned, the enrollment at the secondary level in Government and Government-aided schools is expected to increase by 25 per cent from about 1.6 million in 1995 to 2.0 million in the year 2000. The increase will be more significant at the upper secondary level with the extension of basic education from nine to 11 years. A total of 9,770 new classrooms will be built in order to accommodate the increase in enrollment and reduce overcrowding.16 Teaching method which are simple, practical and interesting will continue to be used in order to increase student's interest as well as improve their performance. Appropriate incentives will be provided to science students so as to increase enrollment in the science stream. Taking into account the latest technological development, the use of computers in secondary schools will be extensively promoted to build a strong foundation for a computer literate society. Extensive monitoring and evaluation of student's performance at all levels will be undertaken, in addition to development of new teaching and learning approaches so as to enhance student's academic performance.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Cash flow analysis
The company's cash flows from operating activities were inadequate to cover depreciation and dividend payments from FYI to IFFY. This indicates that HEAD Banks cash flow engine is not generating enough cash to keep the company whole for those three years. However, the company generated excess cash in IFFY, which was used for growth and investment purposes. Thus, the cash flow engine is not very powerful. However, it is showing signs of recovery in the recent years. Pinpointing the Good News and the Bad News The capital expenditure shows an increasing trend and is around 1 . Xx of appreciation.In addition, it made significant investment in subsidiaries and Joint-ventures, which is another growth indicators. However, these indicators have not remained consistent throughout. Such investments were only made in FYI 1 and IFFY. HEAD Bank has consistently borrowed from other banks in the form of term deposits and demand deposits to pay dividends and for capital expenditure. This can be cons idered as a bad news because it doesn't have sufficient cash flow from operating activities. Puzzle Since the company is operating in the Banking and Finance Industry, Reserve Bank ofIndia norms mandate that the company hold a large proportion of cash along with significant deposits with the RIB (CAR and SSL norms) in order to maintain liquidity. The cash and bank balances held by the company has ranged from xx to xx of their net income. Earlier, we identified a few unusual line items, which are explained as under: In IFFY, RIB increased policy rates by 1 . 75% and Rib's borrowings against SSL increased by almost 270%. After adjusting for this, cash flow from operating activities shows a positive figure in IFFY.In the cash flow from operating activities, the cash used in distributing loans & advances as well as making investments (operating activity since it is a bank) exceed the cash generated from increase in deposits. This has resulted in a negative cash flow from operating activ ities in 3 out of 5 years. This requires the company to seek outside sources for funding such as financial borrowings from other banks and financial institutions. This may not necessarily be a negative sign if the returns from operating activities exceed the net borrowing costs and hence reaping the benefits of leverage. Housing Development Finance Corporation
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Desire â⬠The Wife of Bath
Desire ââ¬â The Wife of Bath Free Online Research Papers What do you desire? Is it love or family? The Wife of Bath was a woman, who desired only a few simple things in life. She made mirror images of herself, through her stories, which in some ways reflected the person she really was. In our world, however, people desire so many more things. My desires are truly what I want to live by. The Wife of Bath wished for the obvious wants of woman, but what she most desired above all, was being more powerful than her man, her spouse, her lover. In a relationship, she wished to be the dominant of the two. The Wife of Bath wanted to be the one who had the last say, the one who was in control and decided all of the matters in the relationship. This was shown in her tale when the knight fulfilled his task to her. ââ¬Å"a woman wants the self-same sovereignty over her husband and her lover. And master him: he must not be above her. This is your greatest wish In the court not one that shook her head or contradicted what the knight had saidâ⬠(lines 164-170) The knight had spoken and fulfilled his quest; he found what women wanted the most. No women in the assembly disagreed with the knights reply and certainly not the old hag. According to this scene, true power was what women wanted the most. There was another example of the desire that deals with power, beauty, and happiness for a woman in a relationship. The old hag, after marrying the knight, gives him a choice. She can either stay ugly and be faithful, or become beautiful and wonder. ââ¬Å"My lady, my love, my dearest wife, I leave the matter to your wise decision. You make the choice yourself, for the provision. I dont care which; whatever pleases you suffices me.â⬠ââ¬Å"Have I won the mastery?â⬠she said. ââ¬Å"Since I am to choose and rule as I think fit?â⬠ââ¬Å"Certainly, wife, thats it.â⬠(lines 310-318) Consequently, the hag became beautiful, yet still was faithful. This example shows how happy the woman became when she was given the power and beauty. She was so happy that she rewarded her husband by becoming beautiful. ââ¬Å"And may Christ Jesus send us husbands that are meek and young and fresh in bed. And grace to overbid them when we wed and Jesus hear my prayer! cut short the l ives of those who wont be governed by their wives.â⬠(lines 338-343) This desire also led to envy of the characters in the wifeââ¬â¢s story. By comparing the Wife of Baths prologue to her tale it becomes very visible that she is jealous of the old hag in her story. The hag was given the power and dominance over her husband. In the wifes true life it was not like that. Since the Wife of Bath loved Johnny, her fifth husband, so much she gave him all of her possessions, in turn giving him the power. ââ¬Å"I gave my whole heart up for him to holdI handed him all the money, (she had never done this before) lands, and all that ever had been given me before; this I repented more and more. None of my pleasures would he let me seekhe smote me once upon the cheekâ⬠Through this statement made by the wife it shows that her fifth husband had the upper hand. This is not what she desired. The Wife of Bath became jealous of her own character, the old lady hag, because she had what the wife wanted. The hag had power, beauty, and happiness. She was given the choice, while the wife had the choice taken from her. This was also where c haracterization came in. The way The Wife of Baths Tale is written showed a similarity between the wifes prologue and her story. The major characteristic shown was the appearance of the two ladies. Both the wife and the hag were not very attractive and were old. The wife was described in lines 395-398. ââ¬Å"I was forty then, to tell the truth. But still I always had a coltish tooth. Yes Im gap tooth, it suits me wellâ⬠The hag, when describing herself, says she was old and ugly. Not to mention she was called a hag. I think the hag was The Wife of Bath in her story. The wife wrote the story to show what she desires and what she was like in real life. She also wrote the story to show what she wanted to be transformed into. I believe that woman today also have desires. Some do desire for power, others for love, a family, success, money, and so on. There are two things that I wanted most in my life. They were: to develop a loving and supportive family and my walk with Jesus Christ. At the age of five, my parents divorced. It did not seem to affect me much since I was so young. However, in 4th grade it seemed I became so angry. I was slamming books and doors. There was one teacher I would always talk back to and get in trouble with. (I can still remember that class and arguing with her to this day). I began to see a counselor and to take anti-depressants. This helped and I seemed to calm down. Since then, I have been on and off of medicine for anger, anxiety, and depression. I think the divorce of my parents had a lot to do with this. I am not ashamed of this, but wish I didnââ¬â¢t have to deal with it. I think that my parents have helped me to deal with the idea that life is not perfect. I think a divorce is a hard thing for both parents and children. Yet, through this strife I had strong parents who were willing to love and support me in every way possible. They wanted the best for me so they did all they could to do that and fulfilled my desire. I can barely remember sitting in Sunday school each week, learning about Jesus. My parents always brought me to church and encouraged that as part of my life. I was never baptized as a child though. They both never really had a religious background growing up, so I guess they never thought about it. As I grew older, I became more involved with the church. At the age of 12, I went through confirmation and was finally baptized. I had accepted Christ into my heart. A few years after that, I began to distance myself from the church community. I began drinking in 8th grade! I would always go back and forth going to church a few weeks, then not for another few weeks. I would decide to be ââ¬Å"goodâ⬠and then would not follow what I had planned. As I entered high school, I began to attend Young Life. It was youth group type of thing. We sang, ate, and had a devotional. I made several friends and it was a great new start. I started to attend church, but never every Sunday. I stopped drinking throughout 10th grade, but began again in 11th. I struggled with this all four years of high school and still do today. My walk with Christ is not an easy one. I do things wrong, do not attend church regularly, and do not pray or read the Bible as much as I should. I could go on forever. But isnââ¬â¢t that what a Christian is? One who strives to serve Christ at his best, and struggles with it every day. All that time you know, he has already forgiven you and as long as you have faith, you will be saved. Oh what a wonderful feeling. This desire is most important of all and of course you can see why. Because He is the maker of all and without him I would not have all the blessings I do today. So there you go. The Wife of Bath desired what the hag already had. That was power. And also there was beauty and happiness, which the hag had obtained. I desired Christ and family. I have both, but will always have a few kinks to work out. Desire is a personal thing and each person wants something different. Even though we all want something different, the wishes can be granted and you can be relieved. 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Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Urk is not a standard spelling
Urk is not a standard spelling Urk is not a standard spelling Urk is not a standard spelling By Maeve Maddox Yes, itââ¬â¢s in the Urban Dictionary, but then, what isnââ¬â¢t? Iââ¬â¢ve begun noticing the spelling ââ¬Å"urkâ⬠where standard English calls for irk. Headline on the Keene-Valley (NY) Forum: what urks me most Blog title: Stuff That Urks Me Twitter Tweet: One thing that URKS ME THE MOST is people who cross the street when it clearly says DONT WALK! irk: to irritate or disgust (as a person) usually by reason of tiresome or wearying qualities -Merriam-Webster The etymology of irk is uncertain. It may be related to O.N. yrkju ââ¬Å"work.â⬠The modern use of the verb irk with the meaning ââ¬Å"annoyâ⬠dates from the late 15th century. The adjective irksome, ââ¬Å"bothersome,â⬠dates from the 1510s. (Online Etymology Dictionary) English orthography makes use of five different letter combinations to spell the /er/ sound: er her, after, determine ir sir, stir, girdle, bird ur urn, turn, burn, spurn, pursue, murder, burr, cur (w)or work, word, world, worm, worship ear early, earth, earl, earn, learn, heard, pearl, search, yearn Yes, it does seem excessively irksome to have five ways to spell one sound, but thatââ¬â¢s the way it is. The best way to deal with it is to pay attention to words that contain the /er/ sound the first time you have occasion to write them. Romalda Spaldings mnemonic is an effective way to remember the five spellings: Her first nurse works early. In this sentence the spellings occur in the order of their frequency. Most of the time the /er/ sound is spelled er. The er of early, on the other hand, represents the /er/ sound in only a few English words. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Spelling category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:How to Format a UK Business LetterHomogeneous vs. Heterogeneous20 Clipped Forms and Their Place (If Any) in Formal Writing
Saturday, November 2, 2019
The Natural Environment Stakeholders And Policy Essay
The Natural Environment Stakeholders And Policy - Essay Example Population increase and other social issues have been associated with the current over-reliance on natural resources in some geographical areas. Some scholars have as well linked environmental degradation with increased social and political inequality. The competition for the available natural resources between powerful people and poor people in the society has increased the level of environmental degradation and social inequality. Therefore, powerful people use the wealth and power to eliminating poor people from using the available natural resources thus increasing social inequality. Based on the available statistical information, it is clear that, environmental degradation have resulted to detrimental social effects thus destroying public spirit and social fabric (Yearley 2005, p. 93). Based on the available statistical information and research findings, I am on the perspective that environmental sustainability in modern society has resulted to social inequality. This therefore me ans that, there is close relationship between environmental sustainability and social inequality. Environmental degradation and lack of effective measures to sustain the environment has caused inequality in human development both between countries and within a country. On the other hand, some scholars have as well argued that, inequality in the society have advanced modern environmental unsustainabilty. This therefore means that, there is vicious circle between environmental sustainability and inequality where one scenario may result to another. Professionals and organisation that are concerned with human inequality should therefore consider environment unsustainabilty in their policy formulation and implementation. On the other hand, since there is a bi-directional link between environmental sustainability and inequality, to realise the best from their policies, environmentalists should as well consider the impact of social and economic inequality to the environment (Stead & Stead 2009, p. 37). Over years, the issue of global environmental sustainability have attracted wide recognition and debate from global leaders, teachers, scientists, university students, citizens, and journalists. The biosphere has as well placed a very significant burden to humankind that is aimed at ensuring that the environment is effectively protected in order to eliminate social and economic inequality. The issues of environmental sustainability have therefore led to the formation of global organisations such as UNEP that are mandated with the responsibility of introducing effective means of dealing with modern environmental challenges. Global leaders have as well organised numerous global conferences to design policy that will ensure global environmental sustainability (Sutton 2007, p. 67). As defined, environmental sustainability is the ability to identify and maintain aspects and quality that are valued in physical environment. In most cases, the issue of sustainability emerges w hen valued objects, processes, systems, and attributes are under threat of extinction. Facilitating society members to do things that can satisfy their economic and social needs is one of the most essential aspects that define human development. Therefore, inequality is defined as lack of freedom and capability of attaining oneââ¬â¢s social, economic, and political needs and demands. The subsequent essay will therefore address the issue of environmental sustainability and inequality in contemporary society Description of Environment Unsustainabilty and Social Inequality The issues of the relationship between environmental unsustainabilty and modern social and econom
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